Friday, November 04, 2005

QR Confirms Texas Democratic Party Chair Not Seeking Re-election

What this blog has been telling you for days, that The Tx. Democratic Party Chair is not seeking re-election, has been confirmed by the Quorum Report. We told you so!

How unfortunate that some insiders tried to send so many down a rabbit trail by simply calling it a "nasty" rumor. It seems that the head start given to certain "preferred" candidates could not be kept up with our constant reports of the insiders campaigning for the job.

Now that "all" members are on notice maybe a Tejano can have a shot this late in the game. Thanks to our blog posts a number of Latino activists will be gathering in Austin soon to map out a strategy. Perhaps the question could be asked why the "big boys" continue to hide inside information from members of the Hispanic community. We had to hear it from loud mouth insiders.

Despite the party's shortcomings it is still our party and we will continue to work out the insensitive and clique-ish nature of the group that still dominates the party. Now, if they insist on dictating instead of listening or allow equal participation, we have to demand that they win something!