Saturday, March 01, 2008
Friday, February 29, 2008
Dist. 40 Poll Shows Rep. Pena With Comfortable Lead
A recent poll conducted by horse racing lobby interests in the race between incumbent Rep. Aaron Pena and challenger Eddie Saenz shows Rep. Pena with a more than comfortable lead as election day approaches. Rep. Pena has represented the house district centered in Edinburg for the past five years. Although widely thought to have had one his best legislative sessions Pena is challenged by perennial candidate Eddie Saenz who was overwhelmingly rejected in a previous challenge in 2004. Following the release of the compelling poll numbers in support of Pena the group followed up with a sizable donation. A number of groups once thought opposed to the incumbent have followed with their support. Recent news stories have exposed a less than flattering history Saenz had while serving on an economic development board. He is reported to have had in excess of one million dollars awarded to his company while he served on the board.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Dist. 40: AFL-CIO Endorses Rep. Peña

Rep. Aaron Peña received the endorsement of the state AFL-CIO as well as the Rio Grande Valley Labor Council. These endorsements by organized labor are a boost to the Peña campaign and provide a deep contrast on the image created by his opponent. Peña is a board certified labor attorney and spent twenty years protecting the rights of working men and women. His familiarity with the issues that affect labor make him a natural choice for their endorsement.